Neuro & Spine Surgery
HighSurg 30
an easy-to-use and advanced control unit for connecting two motor systems simultaneously for cranial and open spine surgery.

Technical Description
A sophisticated, microprocessor controlled power device for a silky-smooth, low vibration running of our high-speed handpieces and high torque perforator handpiece.
- two motor connection
- Multifunctional pedal
- 3 – 10 auto-save programs.
- Motor speed range of 300 - 80‘000 rpm.
- Fine tuneable Integrated peristaltic pump for cooling the instrument to avoid tissue damage.
- 210 Ncm of maximum torque with the perforator handpiece
- Sturdy, high quality design and finish.
- Supporting straight/angled High-speed as well as Craniotome and perforator handpiece

Endoscopic Spine Drill System
HighSurg 30
an easy-to-use and sophisticated control unit for connecting motor drill system for the Endoscopic Spine Procedures
Technical Description
Motor drill system developed for a precise and powerful endoscopic spine surgery. The HighSurg 30 burr systems permits resection of bone under direct endoscopic visualisation!